State standarts
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ГОСТ 801-78: Bearing steel. Specifications
ГОСТ 1051-73: Gauged bars. General specifications
ГОСТ 1414-75: Constructional rolled steel of improved and high cutting machinability. Specifications
ГОСТ 2879-88: Hot-rolled hexagonal steel. Dimensions
ГОСТ 14637-89: Rolled plate from carbon steel of general quality. Specifications
ГОСТ 14955-77: Quality round steel with special surface finishing. Specifications
ГОСТ 17066-94: Rolled sheet of high-strength steel. Specifications
ГОСТ 19265-73: Bars and strips out of high-speed steel. Specifications
ГОСТ 19904-90: Cold-rolled steel sheets. Dimensions
ГОСТ 20072-74: Heat-resistant steel. Specifications
ТУ 14-1-1530-75: Forgings of steels and alloys for machine parts
ТУ 14-1-1934-76: Rent a broadband hot-rolled carbon-quality structural steel
ТУ 14-1-4492-88: Blum and harvesting of high-quality hot-square and stainless steel
ТУ 14-1-5357-98: Billet Hot RECTANGULAR - Slabs from carbon, low alloy and alloy steel
ТУ 14-19-103-90: Rolled universal Broadband Hot of non-alloy tool steel
ТУ 14-11579-75 дополненный: Hot broadband rent from structural steel doped brands 20 Х, 40X
ТУ 14-11579-75: Hot broadband rent from structural steel doped brands 20 ', 40X